Sunday, March 8, 2009

Graphite Pencils, Trafic circles, and Parallel Parking

It seems the nifty FALL back and SPRING forward way of remembering things did not help me to remember what time it was. I woke up this morning a good 15 minutes before church was to start. This is probably because I thought I was going to get an extra hour so I went to bed an hour later so instead of the 8 hours I had planned I ended up with 6. Oh well. I went to my normal 8:30 service at my church then my parents picked me up and I went to the 11:00 service at their church. From there I went out to eat with Ice and her husband, Mr. Ice, and my parents of course. After lunch I left my parents to go shopping with Ice. I should have known better. Ice likes to go a lot of places that quite frankly I could live without. Since she recently found out she can paint (who would of thunk) she went to a couple art stores, a craft store, and Wal-Mart. Then a few other small random stores. When I finally freed myself from that (no offense, Ice) we went to meet my parents again, this time for coffee.

After coffee MGM let me drive to the DMV to practice parallel parking for my driver's retake tomorrow (don't ask). First time I was a good 5 feet from the curb, a little far. The rest of the time I nailed it. On the way home we drove near the place where they are moving some kind of harmful materials from one sight to another sight about 2 miles from a housing department. I am not entirely sure about that.

I forgot to complain about the DMV, sorry I know how much you are eagerly awaiting that so I will make you wait no longer. I severely dislike the DMV because it seems so pointless. I mean really you get there and wait in some astronomically long line to get a number then you wait even longer for that number to be called. If you are really lucky you will get another number that you will have to wait for. Okay it seems as though I am done ranting and raving so I think I will leave you to your thoughts and hopefully you can find a good mental hospital to recuperate from my blog.

Until Next Time
Kara Forestor

PS: Ice will now be called Mrs. Ice. it works i think
PPS: did you know that PS means postscript? thus pps would mean postpostscript.


  1. you can post comments without having a blog account

  2. when commenting please use your code name if you have one.

    because it is more fun...and I say it on the first time

    PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPS- I am using my code just happens to be the same as my real name

  4. ha ha oh well. u will henceforth Zack Foley
