Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Let's pack up and move to California..."

Can you name the artist and what song that is from?

So MGM decided on Sunday that Ceci, him, Fire, and I needed to take a road trip to California on Monday. So yesterday at 8:45 am we were on the road (we were supposed to be on the road at 8). We tried to play punch buggy (for points) did not work well. We tried to play Fred Mertz but that did not work well. Then I got the bright idea that I should restart the game of punch buggy and then randomly yell out Fred Mertz (to start a completely unrelated game) to distract the rest of the car and then I sneak in and win punch buggy. That lasted all of ten minutes. It was only five hours so it was not too bad. When we got out to the water it was interesting trying to share Fire's goggles. I was quite hoarse when I finally made it back to the hotel room do to the large amount of salt water I inhaled. It is a miracle I did not manage to hit my head. Today we started out semi-early for breakfast and then MGM dropped Ceci, Fire, and me off at the Fahion Island (a major outdoor expensive shopping mall) then picked us up a few hours later. We once again went to the beach for a few hours. Only this time I remembered to buy my own goggles so as to avoid the loveliness of waves and saltwater in the eye. I tried to find an inflatable, but no such luck. We went to a Mexican food restaurant and barely convinced MGM that walking was a bad idea. It was a good thing we did because it began to rain as we ate dinner. Now here I sit in the hotel as Fire surfs the channels (not the waves).

Until Next Time

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