Saturday, March 14, 2009

You know I was reading again in Matthew today and again I came across some weird ideas, but I also just got inspiration for this particular photo. I chose the photo because when I searched Lighthouse in Storm in google this picture had my name underneath it. Coincidence, not likely.

The caption in the photo says, "God is like a lighthouse, the closer you are to him, the easier it is to get out of the storm."

Until Next Time


  1. I'm "reading" Matthew right now too. There is a lot in the book. By "reading" it in large segments (instead of just a couple chapters at a time) I'm noticing a lot of patterns in Jesus' teachings.

    "Reading" is in "" because I'm listening to it on tape in the car.

  2. lol. it figures u would say that. i have noted a lot of patterns. i liked that right after the sermon on the mount Christ went down and did something that promoted what he was teaching.
